Hello All!
As we are approaching Thanksgiving Day I am hoping you have a Wonderful Time with your Friends and Family! Enjoy the bounty as well.
The next thing you know Christmas will be upon us, a beautiful time of the year with all religions wishing Peace & Goodwill to all humankind. A most beautiful, loving time of the year. Have a blessed & love filled Christmas.
The New Year will be here in the blink of an eye. May your next year be the most beautiful you have ever experienced in your life. Hopefully it will be filled with happiness, health, and abundance. You know you deserve these riches and I do also. Enjoy!
With the winter season there will be skating, skiing, sledding, and other outdoor pastimes. A time of year for the young at heart and I hope your one of them. If the outdoor temperatures don't thrill you then I wish you the beauty of the season.
This year with our move from Andover to Billerica we do have a few blank spots in our schedule due to the fact that we didn't get to Billerica until mid to late September and the hall was previously rented. Hopefully these issues won't impact our Sunday Services in the next five (5) years to come. If you haven't visited our new home at 775 Boston Rd, also known as Route 3A,The VFW Hall in Billerica (about 3 miles from the Burlington Town Line, directly across the street from the 7-11 Convenience Store), you are missing a beautiful atmosphere as well as new friends you haven't met yet. Join us, you won't be disappointed.
PLEASE check the schedule, we Only have ONE SERVICE IN DECEMBER, the 17th as the hall was previously rented. After that bump we are continuous through May. We may have to revisit our schedule at that time.
Have the most blessed holidays and a wonderful winter.
Love & Light,
Chris Nagle, Pastor
Hello Members and Friends
New day, New Beginnings, New Season 2017.
My wish for you is as always, a happy, healthy, peaceful, prosperous life with all you desire. May the roof over your head be sound. May there always be food on your table. May there always be friends at your side to help you build your strength.
Hopefully we are all including those effected by the floods, storms, and earthquakes shaking up this beautiful planet lately in our prayers and thoughts. May those directly and indirectly pick themselves up and continue on through these tough and heart wrenching times.
We’re starting on September 10, 2017 with Rev. Gloria Warner doing our lecture and message work. At 1 pm, following coffee & conversation. Rev. Warner will be conducting our Workshop on fine tuning your development and overcoming obstacles that stand in the way of you being at your best. The event will be from 1 to 3 pm. Donation is $25.00.
We are also have a Development Class on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Angela O’ Laughlin a Certified Medium of the Greater Boston Church is our teacher. These classes will be from 1 to 3 pm once a month. Please let us know if you are sitting in class for development or if your goal is to become a Certified Medium, Commissioned Healer, or Ordained Minister. Donation is $20.00
Love & Blessings, Chris Nagle, Pastor
As we are approaching Thanksgiving Day I am hoping you have a Wonderful Time with your Friends and Family! Enjoy the bounty as well.
The next thing you know Christmas will be upon us, a beautiful time of the year with all religions wishing Peace & Goodwill to all humankind. A most beautiful, loving time of the year. Have a blessed & love filled Christmas.
The New Year will be here in the blink of an eye. May your next year be the most beautiful you have ever experienced in your life. Hopefully it will be filled with happiness, health, and abundance. You know you deserve these riches and I do also. Enjoy!
With the winter season there will be skating, skiing, sledding, and other outdoor pastimes. A time of year for the young at heart and I hope your one of them. If the outdoor temperatures don't thrill you then I wish you the beauty of the season.
This year with our move from Andover to Billerica we do have a few blank spots in our schedule due to the fact that we didn't get to Billerica until mid to late September and the hall was previously rented. Hopefully these issues won't impact our Sunday Services in the next five (5) years to come. If you haven't visited our new home at 775 Boston Rd, also known as Route 3A,The VFW Hall in Billerica (about 3 miles from the Burlington Town Line, directly across the street from the 7-11 Convenience Store), you are missing a beautiful atmosphere as well as new friends you haven't met yet. Join us, you won't be disappointed.
PLEASE check the schedule, we Only have ONE SERVICE IN DECEMBER, the 17th as the hall was previously rented. After that bump we are continuous through May. We may have to revisit our schedule at that time.
Have the most blessed holidays and a wonderful winter.
Love & Light,
Chris Nagle, Pastor
Hello Members and Friends
New day, New Beginnings, New Season 2017.
My wish for you is as always, a happy, healthy, peaceful, prosperous life with all you desire. May the roof over your head be sound. May there always be food on your table. May there always be friends at your side to help you build your strength.
Hopefully we are all including those effected by the floods, storms, and earthquakes shaking up this beautiful planet lately in our prayers and thoughts. May those directly and indirectly pick themselves up and continue on through these tough and heart wrenching times.
We’re starting on September 10, 2017 with Rev. Gloria Warner doing our lecture and message work. At 1 pm, following coffee & conversation. Rev. Warner will be conducting our Workshop on fine tuning your development and overcoming obstacles that stand in the way of you being at your best. The event will be from 1 to 3 pm. Donation is $25.00.
We are also have a Development Class on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Angela O’ Laughlin a Certified Medium of the Greater Boston Church is our teacher. These classes will be from 1 to 3 pm once a month. Please let us know if you are sitting in class for development or if your goal is to become a Certified Medium, Commissioned Healer, or Ordained Minister. Donation is $20.00
Love & Blessings, Chris Nagle, Pastor